Laughter is said to be the best medicine. This was definitely true for a good friend of mine. Lynne had a laugh that was incredibly contagious. There were multiple pitches and versions of this laugh and if I close my eyes and picture her giant grin I can still hear those laughs...each one...different for each different kind of funny she was experiencing.
This last Saturday I had the privilege of celebrating that laugh with hundreds of others at a celebration service of Lynne's life. 6 days prior Lynne had slipped from this world to meet her Creator after a courageous battle with cancer. It was last year around labor day that Lynne and her family received the news that Lynne had Stage 4 breast cancer. At that time no one would have guessed that she would be given almost an entire year to be loved on by friends and family as she fought.
These days it is not uncommon for cancer to touch all of our lives in some way, whether it be through a loved one fighting the battle or even ourselves. It can be scary, ugly, unrelenting, and utterly debilitating as it ravages through a person's body. However, I have seen this disease which is meant to harm be used by God for good many times before and on Saturday I was reminded once again how great our God is to do this through Lynne and her own fight.
As people poured into the church, we were greeted by multiple posters of Lynne's grinning face. There were pictures from childhood through the awkward junior high years and through high school, college and adult life. As I looked at the progression I could see the smile that God gave her as a sweet baby grow with her as the years passed through the pictures. I was reminded of the laugh that gave volume to that grin, the laugh that I believe gave her the strength to get by everyday.
The service began with worship through music. It was led by the same team that came to Marcia and Jim's house, (where Lynne and her daughter Perrin lived), every Sunday at 3pm. They came rain or shine to bring church to Lynne since she couldn't make it to church in her condition. It was through there introduction to the service that I began to feel my heart smile as I thought about how when the Body of Christ, the people of the Church...when they get it right, there is nothing like's the most powerful example of love in this world.
From the moment the music began I knew that this funeral would not be like some other funerals I've attended, in fact, I can't even use the word funeral because of the Spirit of Joy that filled the building. Through the words of an uncle and then of Jim, Lynne's father, and through a video message from one of Lynne's best friends, it was clear to me that God had plans to bless all of us there in the midst of celebrating the life of Lynne.
As we sat there soaking in the loving words and being reminded of Lynne's laughter I felt my heart fill up. I realized that I was witnessing the Church, the whole community of believers, do death well. Last, Frank Pastore, came up and gave some closing words...words that were simple, humble, loving and thought-provoking. He told us that had he come to a funeral like this during his first 27 years of life he would leave thinking, "Oh those poor people, they created all these beliefs just to help themselves deal with the situation and cope..." But, after thinking that thought, that so many of us have thought before...even if we grew up in a church-going or religious family...he said that thought would always be followed by a question, a question that would haunt him..."But what if it's true?"
What if it's true? What if there really is a God who created this world and created you and created me with a plan and a purpose? What if this God sent His son Jesus to earth to live, and teach and love, and then to die and take our die for us so that we could spend eternity in Heaven with Him? What if it is true when Jesus said, I am going to prepare a place for you? What if it is true when He says I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life, no one comes to the Father except through me?
I would be lying if I said that I never asked these questions myself. Growing up in the Catholic Church I learned many things about my Creator. However, it wasn't until my adult years that I understood what it was really like to have a living relationship with where I could cry out to Him and know that He heard where I could sing my praises to Him and know he was smiling. Don't get me wrong, I am SO thankful for my Catholic upbringing...God has used it in so many ways to grow and mature my faith. I am no longer a practicing Catholic, I attend a Protestant church these days, but I will forever be grateful for the foundation my parents laid for me by making church a priority as a young child. But, back to the I said, it wasn't until my adult years that I really began to believe that those things really could be true.
Sitting in that service on Saturday reminded me not only of the beauty of Lynne's life but also of my own journey and how God uses pain and suffering and the things we don't understand, like death, to draw His people near to Him. As Pastore finished he left everyone with that question...sure, this all could be a great, big coping mechanism, but what if it's not...what if it's true?
I don't know where you find yourself today in the whole God-believing, Jesus-loving picture. Unfortunately, there are many people who call themselves Christians who have made choices that hurt people. Those hurts have turned people away from anything that remotely resembles Christianity. For that, I am so sorry, that my heart aches in this very moment as I type. It also angers angers me in the way you get angry when you see a child or small animal neglected...the anger that stems from injustice...because that's really what has happened. Unfortunately, Christianity has been branded as religion that is exclusive and only accepts certain kinds of people.
This could not be further from the truth. If I were brave enough to write a list of the junk in my life and the bad choices I have made since the moment I could make bad choices you would see that I am not be fit for any group of people. You may not believe it, but it's true. I was a big ol' me. But then something happened in my life. I was at rock bottom. The place where you don't even know where up is because the darkness has closed in on every side. Then through a good friend, my best friend, I was shown the love of Jesus and slowly, the darkness began to dissipate. I began to heal by leaning on the love and the promises I found in the Bible and through prayer. My life changed. I became a new person in many many ways that some people were shocked and even genuinely weirded out by my new lifestyle.
The truth was that once I learned that there was a God that loved me no matter what I did, and that nothing could change the love he had for me, even my very worst, deepest, darkest, really ugly secrets, I finally felt like I could live. It was through this process that I was able to feel conviction for my wrong doings and ask for forgiveness or extend forgiveness as the circumstances of my past and present came to mind. This process led me to experience a freedom I had never felt before. It was a freedom that ushered in a new joy and love for life.
On Saturday, celebrating Lynne, I was reminded of all of this. I was reminded that one day, I asked myself, "What if it is true?" and then started to truly live for the very first time. That question was the beginning of the last 12 years of my life. Things would be so different and so unsettled had I not truly dug down deep into what that question really implied. I am better for it. I live for it everyday...unashamedly.
I was also reminded that it was her belief, her faith, that gave Lynne the courage to fight and the courage to face death. It was this belief and hope that gave Marcia, Lynne's mother, the supernatural ability to care for Lynne. It was this belief and this hope that gave all the people attending the service that day a deep joy that replaced any despair, knowing Lynne was alive...more alive than she had ever been before...completely restored, completely healed, completely whole in the company of Jesus.
I do miss Lynne's laugh. We didn't get to hear it very much in the last year but if what I believe to be true, really is true, then I know she is laughing now. I also know that one day I will get to hear it again. That thought gives me hope. This hope is what gets me through my worst days on this earth. It's the hope that reminds me this earth is not my home. It's the hope that reminds me I am not forgotten. It's the hope that fills me when there is nothing I can do to control the circumstances around me. Without this hope I would not be living life with joy and that would be awful.
If you read this blog today and you are toying with the question, "What if it's true?" I challenge you to let it sit. Let it permeate your thoughts. Give God the chance to show you. He showed me and my life will never be same...and I couldn't be more grateful.
However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” — the things God has prepared for those who love him—
1Corinthians 2:9
Thank you Lynne for loving Jesus with your whole heart. You touched people through your life and even through your death. I'm so glad you are laughing again.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
6 years and Counting
August 21, day ever. |
6 years ago we were wrapping up tiny details, welcoming family and friends from out of town, and eating A LOT of good food. I found myself looking for any opportunity to wear white. I was slightly obsessed with feeling bridal as any bride has the right to be. Looking back at that season of life makes me feel all warm inside...the same way I feel when I first smell Christmas coming...yes, for those of you that didn't know, you CAN smell Christmas coming. (I will post about that later!)
Here's a little picture walk down memory lane.
The Engagement...March 11, 2005 It was our 4 year dating anniversary. Earlier that week I was really mad because I didn't think Fly was ever going to pop the question. I remember complaining to my friends and sister that entire week, saying things like, if he doesn't want to marry me, then FINE! I'm DONE waiting!! It's a good thing I have good friends and it is just like Fly to push to the last second:)...but looking back, the timing was perfect. I wouldn't want it any different.
Surprise! He invited 150 of our closest friends and family to a surprise Engagement Party. He is up on a balcony serenading me. |
Seriously could not stop crying...I was so surprised. |
Just wanted to reiterate the fact that I was a blubbering mess. Here we were watching a slideshow of pics of us together. (That's my mama holding my hand...She is a lovely lady!) |
Me and my daddy...He's the best daddy in the whole world. |
Tim with the band. He sang our Jams to me. |
On our first "date" we had cup o' noodles and green tea. He saved the green tea box...for four years. |
The ring! |
I said yes...Well, I actually said "Heck ya!" (Some of our students were there so I had to say 'heck') |
Me and my sister...she cried almost as much as I did...Us Dugan's can be slightly emotional. |
The Schrader's and the Dugans (this was before in-laws were in the picture...literally:)) |
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My bridesmaids gave me this the night before our wedding. If you look close you can see that the D is backwards. That is why it is my favorite. |
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This is the "I'm getting married tomorrow!" face |
Love this pic in the elevator...especially my sis Lyndsey's face...pretty much captured the day. |
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Lessons from a Singing 2 Year Old
As a former church employee weekends have never been that exciting for me in regards to "time off." Don't get me wrong, weekends were fun and exciting in a different way. Being with my junior high students or having the privilege of being part of weekend services was great. But I find myself in a different season of life right now...a season where weekends are simple and scrumptious.
On the weekends there is at least one extra pair of hands to play with the kiddos, usually The Fly's, but we also get to see friends and family, and I often find my arms a little lighter as other people love on our little ones.
On the weekends I eat. I eat whatever I want...well, now due to Little Man's gas issues I eat anything I want that does not contain dairy...which unfortunately narrows my choices drastically. Nevertheless, I give myself the green light to indulge. (The dairy issue may end up being a blessing for both of us...the lack of dairy means I might lose the rest of the baby weight a little faster...because let me tell you, I love me some dairy!)
On the weekends we play. We do things that we wouldn't normally do in the middle of the week. This weekend we decided at the last minute to take the fam to the Quakes game on Friday night. The Quakes are the minor league baseball team in our area. Our great friend Justin happens to be the on field host, "Crazy J." So when we go to a game we always get the royal treatment.
At this particular game The Bug was in performance mode. Earlier that day I took her and Little Man to the day care center at the The Claremont Club so I could workout. When I picked her up she was singing a mash-up of Twinkle, Twinkle and ABC's. I am assuming she learned both songs and developed the mash-up on her own. Anyhow, it happened to become the theme song of the day. At the game that night Justin let her hold on to his microphone while he did some other things. She stood in our section and serenaded the entire group of us for about 15 minutes.
Can I say adorable? I'm her mom, so yes, I will say it...I was beaming with pride and trying hard not to plan her performance future... (I deal with closet stage-mom syndrome *wink*) and let her just be a two year old who just wanted to sing in the moment...not caring what anyone thought. She sang her little heart out and everyone was smiling. How could you not? No inhibitions. She had a new song and she wanted to sing it so she did.
The day before this I had the opportunity to join some wonderful people for a time of prayer. It was so refreshing. As the evening ended the verse Psalm 96:1 popped into my head. I didn't know what it said so I planned on looking it up when I got home. However, when you have a 10 week old and a 2 year old plans get thwarted easily. Finally a couple days later I remembered to take some time to look it up and this is what it said,
Sing to the LORD a new song;
sing to the LORD, all the earth.
How appropriate! Don't you think? I did some deeper digging and found that the Hebrew word used for sing in this verse refers to the the kind of song that is sung with the human voice. As I let that rest and sink down deep I couldn't help but picture The Bug and hear her enthusiastic chorus.
If you look at the entire Psalm you see that the Psalmist is telling the reader, or, the singer, if you will, to use their voice to proclaim the wonders of the Lord. He says give glory to God because He deserves it. He made the heavens and the earth. He says the sea, the field, and even the trees will rejoice.
I don't know about you but I LOVE to sing. But, so often I am caught up in the busyness of the day that I forget to or my anxiety is getting the better of me and I just don't want to sing. Sometimes the pains of life are even so great that singing does not seem appealing...especially when people I love are hurting or sick or just plain crabby.
After doing a little research I found some info that I had a feeling was the case. Did you know that singing releases endorphines? There are multiple studies on how the act of singing can make you feel better or happier.
This is what I love about God. His commands are never just mindless instruction to follow. Whatever he commands of us always makes us better. When we read in His word to Sing...sing a New Song...Praise His Name with our's not just because He wants to hear it but also because He knows that Singing, singing about how good He is will encourage us.
It will physically release endorphines and increase brain activity. The breathing that goes along with singing will increase the oxygen flow to our brain and we will physically feel better. Not only that, but depending on what you are singing you will also feel better mentally and spiritually.
I encourage you to take a lesson from The Bug this week. Just sing. Sing songs that make you happy. Sing songs that express how you feel. Sing really loud in the car. Who cares if your voice causes glass to break or dogs to bark...just inhibitions. I guarantee you that you will smile and just that can make any day better.
Some songs I love right and have a listen...
Blessings by Laura Story
Our God by Chris Tomlin
Mean by Taylor Swift
Put Your Records On by Corrine Bailey Rae
Of course, Don't Stop Believin' by Journey even before Glee re-did it. Thanks to my Uncle Doug I knew Journey as a young pup!
And, my all time favorite feel good song to sing at the top of my lungs...
Taylor the Latte Boy by Kristin Chenoweth
(Kristin, if by some miracle you ever read are my favorite!)
What is your favorite feel good song? Sing it today...better yet, sing it and do a little dance...that will definitely make you smile...or at least if someone else sees you they might smile:).
On the weekends there is at least one extra pair of hands to play with the kiddos, usually The Fly's, but we also get to see friends and family, and I often find my arms a little lighter as other people love on our little ones.
On the weekends I eat. I eat whatever I want...well, now due to Little Man's gas issues I eat anything I want that does not contain dairy...which unfortunately narrows my choices drastically. Nevertheless, I give myself the green light to indulge. (The dairy issue may end up being a blessing for both of us...the lack of dairy means I might lose the rest of the baby weight a little faster...because let me tell you, I love me some dairy!)
On the weekends we play. We do things that we wouldn't normally do in the middle of the week. This weekend we decided at the last minute to take the fam to the Quakes game on Friday night. The Quakes are the minor league baseball team in our area. Our great friend Justin happens to be the on field host, "Crazy J." So when we go to a game we always get the royal treatment.
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Quakes Stadium, Rancho Cucamonga |
At this particular game The Bug was in performance mode. Earlier that day I took her and Little Man to the day care center at the The Claremont Club so I could workout. When I picked her up she was singing a mash-up of Twinkle, Twinkle and ABC's. I am assuming she learned both songs and developed the mash-up on her own. Anyhow, it happened to become the theme song of the day. At the game that night Justin let her hold on to his microphone while he did some other things. She stood in our section and serenaded the entire group of us for about 15 minutes.
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The group that got the serenade (The mic was off...but she didn't care) |
An action shot...too cute! |
Can I say adorable? I'm her mom, so yes, I will say it...I was beaming with pride and trying hard not to plan her performance future... (I deal with closet stage-mom syndrome *wink*) and let her just be a two year old who just wanted to sing in the moment...not caring what anyone thought. She sang her little heart out and everyone was smiling. How could you not? No inhibitions. She had a new song and she wanted to sing it so she did.
The day before this I had the opportunity to join some wonderful people for a time of prayer. It was so refreshing. As the evening ended the verse Psalm 96:1 popped into my head. I didn't know what it said so I planned on looking it up when I got home. However, when you have a 10 week old and a 2 year old plans get thwarted easily. Finally a couple days later I remembered to take some time to look it up and this is what it said,
Sing to the LORD a new song;
sing to the LORD, all the earth.
How appropriate! Don't you think? I did some deeper digging and found that the Hebrew word used for sing in this verse refers to the the kind of song that is sung with the human voice. As I let that rest and sink down deep I couldn't help but picture The Bug and hear her enthusiastic chorus.
If you look at the entire Psalm you see that the Psalmist is telling the reader, or, the singer, if you will, to use their voice to proclaim the wonders of the Lord. He says give glory to God because He deserves it. He made the heavens and the earth. He says the sea, the field, and even the trees will rejoice.
I don't know about you but I LOVE to sing. But, so often I am caught up in the busyness of the day that I forget to or my anxiety is getting the better of me and I just don't want to sing. Sometimes the pains of life are even so great that singing does not seem appealing...especially when people I love are hurting or sick or just plain crabby.
After doing a little research I found some info that I had a feeling was the case. Did you know that singing releases endorphines? There are multiple studies on how the act of singing can make you feel better or happier.
This is what I love about God. His commands are never just mindless instruction to follow. Whatever he commands of us always makes us better. When we read in His word to Sing...sing a New Song...Praise His Name with our's not just because He wants to hear it but also because He knows that Singing, singing about how good He is will encourage us.
It will physically release endorphines and increase brain activity. The breathing that goes along with singing will increase the oxygen flow to our brain and we will physically feel better. Not only that, but depending on what you are singing you will also feel better mentally and spiritually.
I encourage you to take a lesson from The Bug this week. Just sing. Sing songs that make you happy. Sing songs that express how you feel. Sing really loud in the car. Who cares if your voice causes glass to break or dogs to bark...just inhibitions. I guarantee you that you will smile and just that can make any day better.
Some songs I love right and have a listen...
Blessings by Laura Story
Our God by Chris Tomlin
Mean by Taylor Swift
Put Your Records On by Corrine Bailey Rae
Of course, Don't Stop Believin' by Journey even before Glee re-did it. Thanks to my Uncle Doug I knew Journey as a young pup!
And, my all time favorite feel good song to sing at the top of my lungs...
Taylor the Latte Boy by Kristin Chenoweth
(Kristin, if by some miracle you ever read are my favorite!)
What is your favorite feel good song? Sing it today...better yet, sing it and do a little dance...that will definitely make you smile...or at least if someone else sees you they might smile:).
Leaving you with one last smile:) |
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Outfits worth a picture or two
I absolutely love baby clothes! I love dressing my children, however, I get so sad when the pieces that I absolutely love become too small.
I always tell myself, "Self, you need to take more pictures of the kiddos in those clothes!" So this time I listened to myself.
If you ask people who know me well, they will tell you that I remember outfits. Most of my memories are categorized in my brain by what I wore...seriously. I can still see first day of school outfits. I remember the first time The Fly and I went to Disneyland together, we were both wearing jeans and navy blue sweatshirts...and I had an awesome hair day!
Therefore, when I dress my kids it's more than wanting them to be so cute. It helps me take a mental picture of the day, the moment. Later, I find myself smiling as I fold their little clothes and thanking God, thanking God for this time that is flying by so fast. This is the time when my kids are little enough to let me dress them and pick out their clothes without a fight:). I thank God for little buttons on the bottom of onesies that mean my kids are still small enough to be in diapers. I thank God for feetie pajamas and dresses that come with bloomers. It all reminds me that even when I'm not sleeping and I haven't taken a shower in four days it's all worth it. The baby cuddles and the toddler "I Luv Loo's" are so worth it.
Being a mom of little ones has shown me the power in thanksgiving. In the moments I want to pull my hair out I have been trying to remember to find something to be thankful for and my attitude changes.
Today, as it has taken me about 2 hours to write this short post. I have had to be thankful for diaper changes, feedings that are out of routine, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and swaddling blankets...oh yeah, and my one cup of coffee that takes me so long to drink I have to reheat it 10, I guess I'm thankful for microwaves too!
I hope that you too can find things to be thankful for in the crazy-making times of life in whatever season you find yourself. It really is powerful enough to change your day for the better.
I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving.
Psalm 69:30
I always tell myself, "Self, you need to take more pictures of the kiddos in those clothes!" So this time I listened to myself.
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My parents became world travelers and brought this home from France...I love it! And, The Bug loves her "boomers" (bloomers!) |
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The Bug also has developed her own fashion sense. She loves to wear two different shoes...I let her...I think it's funny. |
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You can't see the onesie very well but the smile melts I thought I would share. |
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It was a little snug as I stuffed him into it but fitted t's are in right now. |
If you ask people who know me well, they will tell you that I remember outfits. Most of my memories are categorized in my brain by what I wore...seriously. I can still see first day of school outfits. I remember the first time The Fly and I went to Disneyland together, we were both wearing jeans and navy blue sweatshirts...and I had an awesome hair day!
Therefore, when I dress my kids it's more than wanting them to be so cute. It helps me take a mental picture of the day, the moment. Later, I find myself smiling as I fold their little clothes and thanking God, thanking God for this time that is flying by so fast. This is the time when my kids are little enough to let me dress them and pick out their clothes without a fight:). I thank God for little buttons on the bottom of onesies that mean my kids are still small enough to be in diapers. I thank God for feetie pajamas and dresses that come with bloomers. It all reminds me that even when I'm not sleeping and I haven't taken a shower in four days it's all worth it. The baby cuddles and the toddler "I Luv Loo's" are so worth it.
Being a mom of little ones has shown me the power in thanksgiving. In the moments I want to pull my hair out I have been trying to remember to find something to be thankful for and my attitude changes.
Today, as it has taken me about 2 hours to write this short post. I have had to be thankful for diaper changes, feedings that are out of routine, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and swaddling blankets...oh yeah, and my one cup of coffee that takes me so long to drink I have to reheat it 10, I guess I'm thankful for microwaves too!
I hope that you too can find things to be thankful for in the crazy-making times of life in whatever season you find yourself. It really is powerful enough to change your day for the better.
I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving.
Psalm 69:30
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
A lesson from Amy...
I am so tired!!!
I don't know the last time I have been this tired...I'm pretty sure that this tired beats out all other "tireds" I've experienced.
Little man is not, I repeat, "NOT,"sleeping! He is waking up every hour with what I like to call "old man gas." I hope to not offend any old men reading my blog, (by the way, I would find that interesting), however, it is the very best way to describe what is going on deep in the bowels of my 9 week old.
So, as I am standing in Little Man's room last night, rocking him in my arms, tears are falling down my face at a rapid rate. I find myself pleading with God for sleep...pleading like it was a matter of life and death...really, in my mind, it is exactly that because after 5 days of this battle I do feel like "death."
As I am standing there these words flood my mind, "A mother's cry in the dead of night...better than a hallelujah sometimes..." As a child born in the early 80's I grew up listening to Amy Grant. In 5th grade I participated in the school talent show with some friends where we beautifully choreographed a phenomenal dance routine to "Every Heartbeat." Since then Amy's music has been kind of like a beacon that brings back good memories of my childhood. Recently, Amy released a new Christian Album. One of the songs is called, "Better than a Hallelujah". I love, love, love it. Amy did it again in my humble and slightly biased opinion. The song talks about how sometimes God likes to hear us in our most honest, most vulnerable places.
I don't know about you but this can be hard for me. As a person who searches for the silver lining when the drive thru gets my order wrong it is hard for me to be honest in my moments of desperation or despair. Sometimes, I believe that if I give into my desperate feelings I am lacking in faith. You see, I am a "Hallelujah" kind of girl. I will shout it for parking spots, (which believe it or not can be a controversial topic.) The point is, I tend to operate in the optimist camp. I like it there. It's sunny and smiley. The problem, though, is that if I let the desperate feelings have their way I feel uncomfortable, agitated, and unsettled...I feel vulnerable, like I don't have it all together and that is a hard thing for me to admit.
But last night, and the few nights before, lead me to a place of deep desperation. It was a place where I felt like a 5 year old screaming for my mommy or daddy to help me because there is no humanly possible way I could handle the situation on my own.
In the midst of this desperation that I am still feeling today since sleep did not happen again last night, I am relearning that sometimes a breaking down is exactly what we all need to draw nearer to God. It's funny...I've been praying this for other people that I love, not for myself. Yet, here I am...Tired, Broken and leaning solely on the Holy Spirit to get me through the rest of the day without someone having to call CPS on me.
I tell so many other people when they find themselves in these situations that God must be preparing them for the next season. It's a little harder to to believe your own words. But, this is where I find myself today.
In the silly matter of sleep I have been broken...desperately seeking my God to save me, to rescue me and give me relief and refuge. And in the quiet hush of my house at 3am I hear God saying to me, it's time to cry out...tell me how you are feeling...tell me what you need...stop leaning on your own understanding...acknowledge my ways...I will make the paths straight...I am the strength in your weakness even right me...
Maybe you also find yourself in a desperate place today...for you it could be something far more serious than sleep deprivation and you are trying to manage your feelings, emotions, and needs but you too are on the brink of a breakdown that could win you the Academy Award...or at least a daytime Emmy. If you find yourself in this place I encourage you to maybe listen to Amy's song or at least feel the freedom to cry out to God in the most honest and vulnerable way you can. I believe you will be better for it afterward.
Better Than A Hallelujah lyrics
Songwriters: Hart, Sarah; Hartford, Chapin;
God loves a lullaby
In a mother's tears in the dead of night
Better than a Hallelujah sometimes
God loves the drunkard's cry
The soldier's plea not to let him die
Better than a Hallelujah sometimes
We pour out our miseries
God just hears a melody
Beautiful, the mess we are
The honest cries of breaking hearts
Are better than a Hallelujah
The woman holding on for life
The dying man giving up the fight
Are better than a Hallelujah sometimes
The tears of shame for what's been done
The silence when the words won't come
Are better than a Hallelujah sometimes
Better than a church bell ringing
Better than a choir singing out, singing out
We pour out our miseries
God just hears a melody
Beautiful, the mess we are
The honest cries of breaking hearts
Are better than a Hallelujah
Click here to hear the song and see the video!
I don't know the last time I have been this tired...I'm pretty sure that this tired beats out all other "tireds" I've experienced.
Little man is not, I repeat, "NOT,"sleeping! He is waking up every hour with what I like to call "old man gas." I hope to not offend any old men reading my blog, (by the way, I would find that interesting), however, it is the very best way to describe what is going on deep in the bowels of my 9 week old.
So, as I am standing in Little Man's room last night, rocking him in my arms, tears are falling down my face at a rapid rate. I find myself pleading with God for sleep...pleading like it was a matter of life and death...really, in my mind, it is exactly that because after 5 days of this battle I do feel like "death."
As I am standing there these words flood my mind, "A mother's cry in the dead of night...better than a hallelujah sometimes..." As a child born in the early 80's I grew up listening to Amy Grant. In 5th grade I participated in the school talent show with some friends where we beautifully choreographed a phenomenal dance routine to "Every Heartbeat." Since then Amy's music has been kind of like a beacon that brings back good memories of my childhood. Recently, Amy released a new Christian Album. One of the songs is called, "Better than a Hallelujah". I love, love, love it. Amy did it again in my humble and slightly biased opinion. The song talks about how sometimes God likes to hear us in our most honest, most vulnerable places.
I don't know about you but this can be hard for me. As a person who searches for the silver lining when the drive thru gets my order wrong it is hard for me to be honest in my moments of desperation or despair. Sometimes, I believe that if I give into my desperate feelings I am lacking in faith. You see, I am a "Hallelujah" kind of girl. I will shout it for parking spots, (which believe it or not can be a controversial topic.) The point is, I tend to operate in the optimist camp. I like it there. It's sunny and smiley. The problem, though, is that if I let the desperate feelings have their way I feel uncomfortable, agitated, and unsettled...I feel vulnerable, like I don't have it all together and that is a hard thing for me to admit.
But last night, and the few nights before, lead me to a place of deep desperation. It was a place where I felt like a 5 year old screaming for my mommy or daddy to help me because there is no humanly possible way I could handle the situation on my own.
In the midst of this desperation that I am still feeling today since sleep did not happen again last night, I am relearning that sometimes a breaking down is exactly what we all need to draw nearer to God. It's funny...I've been praying this for other people that I love, not for myself. Yet, here I am...Tired, Broken and leaning solely on the Holy Spirit to get me through the rest of the day without someone having to call CPS on me.
I tell so many other people when they find themselves in these situations that God must be preparing them for the next season. It's a little harder to to believe your own words. But, this is where I find myself today.
In the silly matter of sleep I have been broken...desperately seeking my God to save me, to rescue me and give me relief and refuge. And in the quiet hush of my house at 3am I hear God saying to me, it's time to cry out...tell me how you are feeling...tell me what you need...stop leaning on your own understanding...acknowledge my ways...I will make the paths straight...I am the strength in your weakness even right me...
Maybe you also find yourself in a desperate place today...for you it could be something far more serious than sleep deprivation and you are trying to manage your feelings, emotions, and needs but you too are on the brink of a breakdown that could win you the Academy Award...or at least a daytime Emmy. If you find yourself in this place I encourage you to maybe listen to Amy's song or at least feel the freedom to cry out to God in the most honest and vulnerable way you can. I believe you will be better for it afterward.
Better Than A Hallelujah lyrics
Songwriters: Hart, Sarah; Hartford, Chapin;
God loves a lullaby
In a mother's tears in the dead of night
Better than a Hallelujah sometimes
God loves the drunkard's cry
The soldier's plea not to let him die
Better than a Hallelujah sometimes
We pour out our miseries
God just hears a melody
Beautiful, the mess we are
The honest cries of breaking hearts
Are better than a Hallelujah
The woman holding on for life
The dying man giving up the fight
Are better than a Hallelujah sometimes
The tears of shame for what's been done
The silence when the words won't come
Are better than a Hallelujah sometimes
Better than a church bell ringing
Better than a choir singing out, singing out
We pour out our miseries
God just hears a melody
Beautiful, the mess we are
The honest cries of breaking hearts
Are better than a Hallelujah
Click here to hear the song and see the video!
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Liitle Man...sleeping!!! (during the day...but I will take what I can get!) |
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