The last two months have been blissful in a sense. My babies are another year older. Mommy and Daddy were celebrated on their own respective days. Good friends, best friends, in from out of town, have sat at my table again.
As I type these sentences I can't help but think of people I love who have not had a blissful two months. Death, loss, and desperate want are looming over them and new normals are being sought out. As I reflect on my happiness I can't help but feel a prick in my heart for each of them. I'm a feeler and the burden weighs heavy.
Though it may sound insensitive, these people and each of their plights, cause me to want to celebrate more. The truth is that celebrating can be healing.
More Food. These are good things.
But it is the people, the friends, the family. It is the people who usher in the healing.
Being an extrovert I thrive on gatherings...the larger the better in my book. Regardless, though, if you are extroverted or introverted we were created to need people. We were created to pour in and to drink from the relationships bestowed on us.
The last two months have been a fountain of life bubbling over in regard to "my people".
The Bug's 3rd birthday.
It was a Strawberry Shortcake Party |
My little Shortcake. |
Opening presents. |
Good friends. Just wait 'til they really drive. |
The Bug and her favorite person. She calls him her "Daddy Buddy." (I'm not thrills me that daddy is her favorite:)) |
Happy Birthday Big Sister! |
Mother's Day.
First camping trip with the cousins. Eating watermelon without a care. Memories. |
"Auntie Carica" or Auntie Erica teaching the girls how to take a jumping picture. |
She is an awesome mommy and an awesome auntie. Love her. |
Little Man's 1st Birthday.
It's root beer. It's funny. |
We had a Mustache Bash. |
He did not enjoy the cupcake:). |
Little Man with a 'stache. |
Stick the mustache on your parent. |
Good friends. |
Friends eating cake. Such fun. |
My beautiful sister, Auntie Lyndsey, and her boyfriend, Mr. Miles. They are wrapped around the babies' fingers. |
Auntie Robynn and Baby Penelopi. One of my "bestest" friends and her beautiful girl...Little Man's "betrothed." |
Monique and her girls and nephew. One of those steadfast friendships. We've done life together for a while. Appreciate her. |
Justin and Christy. Good friends and always a good time. |
The Other Schrader's minus the oldest daughter...she must have been busy helping. So thankful for each of them. |
Nana and Rick. They love our babies and bring out the giggles every time. |
That's my mommy holding my baby. She is the best mama...the type that still runs right to me when I'm crying and brings me Lipton's Chicken Noodle Soup when I'm sick. Oh, how I love her. |
The silly. |
The family. Tears. So thankful. |
Father's Day.
Peanut Butter Cup s'mores...excellent. Panning for fun. Shooting bb guns with a One Year Old...only my Fly. |
Precious daddy time. |
Mr. Ron and Little Man. Mr. Ron held Little Man all evening...and fed him A LOT of chicken:). |
Mr. Ron and Miss Viv. The Fly's business partner and dear friends. Grateful for them in our lives. |
Mr. Christian and his big girl. Neighbors and great friends. |
Little Man's Big Buddy...they are gonna get into some trouble soon. |
These two are already trouble. |
The people you see in these photos and many others who couldn't join us in person or may have been a little camera shy:), are the reason I can celebrate and they are reason I can mourn. They are the reason I can laugh and they are the reason I can cry.
I do life with these people.
Many of them know of my shortcomings. Many of them know of my fears. Many of them know of my bad habits. A few of them know the things I don't want anyone to ever know. Yet...they love me.
When I say love, I don't mean they just say it, I mean they show so many ways. The best part is that they don't only love me they love the people I love the most.
If I could bottle this moment up and keep it forever, I just might. |
We need people. We need each other to not just get through life but to celebrate life even when it's hard to find something to celebrate.
Who are your people? I found mine as I found Jesus. Really. I did.
If you are reading this today, I pray for you, "Lord, as they are seeking whatever it is they are seeking would they find you first, then would you give them people...the kind of people that love like you do."
If you do have "people," thank God for them today. Sometimes it's through our earthly relationships that we get the greatest glimpse of heaven.
I was searching for a verse to close out this post and I couldn't help but use Romans 16.
These are Paul's "people." Just as the book of Hebrews has it's own walk of fame of the heroes of faith, I couldn't help but see this list as a walk of fame for the friendship...good friends who do life with you.
Romans 16: 1-16
I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deacon of the church in Cenchreae.2 I ask you to receive her in the Lord in a way worthy of his people and to give her any help she may need from you, for she has been the benefactor of many people, including me.
3 Greet Priscilla and Aquila, my co-workers in Christ Jesus. 4 They risked their lives for me. Not only I but all the churches of the Gentiles are grateful to them.
5 Greet also the church that meets at their house.
Greet my dear friend Epenetus, who was the first convert to Christ in the province of Asia.
6 Greet Mary, who worked very hard for you.
7 Greet Andronicus and Junia, my fellow Jews who have been in prison with me. They are outstanding among the apostles, and they were in Christ before I was.
8 Greet Ampliatus, my dear friend in the Lord.
9 Greet Urbanus, our co-worker in Christ, and my dear friend Stachys.
10 Greet Apelles, whose fidelity to Christ has stood the test.
Greet those who belong to the household of Aristobulus.
11 Greet Herodion, my fellow Jew.
Greet those in the household of Narcissus who are in the Lord.
12 Greet Tryphena and Tryphosa, those women who work hard in the Lord.
Greet my dear friend Persis, another woman who has worked very hard in the Lord.
13 Greet Rufus, chosen in the Lord, and his mother, who has been a mother to me, too.
14 Greet Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobas, Hermas and the other brothers and sisters with them.
15 Greet Philologus, Julia, Nereus and his sister, and Olympas and all the Lord’s people who are with them.
16 Greet one another with a holy kiss.
Holy Kisses for my people today. I love you dearly and can't imagine life without you.
More of my people that were not pictured above and some who were:
*Warning...there are many pictures to follow...I won't be offended if you stop reading here...I just couldn't stop!*
This is my friend Sue. She has prayed for me and my babies. She made each of them special blankets that I treasure. |
This was almost 8 years ago. Amanda is someone who God used to change my life. She also captures beautiful moments in her pictures. I spent a season meeting with Jessi as we talked about life. I love her and am so thankful for her friendship. Her family has also loved on my greatly. I had the privilege of watching Heidi grow and get married and have a baby. She is so dear to my heart. Her family has been a family to me. |
This man baptized me and married me and the Fly. He and his wife loved on me as I began to figure out my faith. They were Fly's "people" before they were my "people." They welcomed me into their "family." Forever grateful. |
These ladies prayed for me. There will never be enough words to say how thankful I am for them and that season. They taught me the power in prayer and that has changed my life. |
This man changed my life. He asked me to do something I never thought I could do. He taught me to take risks, to be bold and that God is good. I am a better person for having the privilege of knowing and working for him. |
These neighbors and the ones not pictured are an answer to prayer. My family has community, "people," right outside our front door. Blessed. |
This is my best friend, Jamie and her daddy. Jamie has been my best friend since we were 8. She is strong. She is kind. She has wisdom beyond her years. She can say things to me that I won't hear from anyone else. Her daddy was like another daddy to me. He passed away April 16th after fighting cancer. Don't be sad for him, he is with Jesus. We are sad, though. Sometimes we don't understand why things happen the way they do. What we do understand is that God is still good. Jamie is living this out day by day and teaching me through her steadfast faith. |
Lana is one of those people you can just sit right down with and pick up where you left off even if you haven't seen her in years. She is creative and lovely. Tammy is another of my best friends. She laughs at everything I say. Sometimes this leads me to thinking I'm funnier that I really am but I still appreciate her chuckles every time. Shelley was actually my youth pastor in high school. She looks like she must have been a 10 year old youth pastor:). That's because she is youthful and fun. She is an incredible mother and wife. So thankful for these ladies. |
This is Auntie Erin and Uncle Nick, The Fly's older sister and husband. They live far away and we miss them, a lot. They have huge hearts and I love them. |
This is my Poppy. He just passed away in March. We celebrated his life on what would have been his birthday. He was a good man. He is now playing bluegrass music in heaven and laughing. |
This is my mom's mom. She is a strong and wonderful woman. She loves her family. |
This is Lauren. I've watched her grown into an amazing young woman who is doing great things for the Kingdom of God. She also represents so many students that I love. They changed me for the better. Thank you. |
These are my siblings. Sistair and Brothair. I love them. As the oldest I mother them too much but it's only because I want the best for them. They are beautiful people and they make me laugh. |
Sistair, Lyndsey, with my kids. I can't even tell you all the things I love about her. But here are a few: She is hilarious. She is loyal. She is honest. She is beautiful. |
This is my daddy. He avoided the camera at the birthday parties so I had to throw this pic in. It captures him. He is so generous and so fun and loves me and my family so much. He is proud of me and I am so thankful he tells me so. |
Great Nana and Papa. The Fly's grandparents. They love us and pray for us. |
The one and only Jessica Bernard. She was one of my college roommates and is a dear friend. She is extremely beautiful and extremely talented. She loves people well. She also channels Mary Poppins. |
This was my "birthing hat" for The, I did not actually wear it...although, now, I wish I had. Lovely ladies already mentioned, Tammy, Lyndsey, Jessica but let me tell you about Robynn, bottom right, a heart that loves people no matter what. She bends over backwards for strangers. And "pretty" Shannon, middle top, best friend at St. Lucy's. I've always admired her and am so thankful for her in my life. Though there are seasons we go without getting time to chat we just pick right up where we left off. These women make me belly laugh. I love them. |
Reigh Lea is Monique's twin sister (She was mentioned in the birthday party sequence.) Another beautiful person I have had the privilege of doing life with. She always seems to call or text at the right time and has a heart to help people. Thankful to call her and her sister friends. Thankful to learn from them and raise babies together. |
JD and Jaci. This is their wedding and The Bug's first big night out. JD is the Fly's best friend. They've been there for each other through much. Although we don't get to see them everyday any more we are so thankful for them. |
This is Scott. He is holding The Bug. He loves babies and will be an awesome daddy one day. He is a youth pastor. He loves God and he loves kids. I admire his passion and his vulnerability. He lets God use him. Read his blog: |
This is Meredith. I love this picture because it captures her. She is fun. And she is so much more. She is intelligent and she is compassionate. She cares about the forgotten. She is strong and she is beautiful. She loves God with a depth that comes from knowing his presence in her highest highs and her lowest lows. Her hubby is wonderful too! Read her blog: |
I love this family. The eldest daughter and her husband are in the next picture. I want teach my kids to love God the way Wendy and Chris have taught their girls. I want to pray for my kids the way Wendy prays for hers. This pic also represents all those parents I worked with at Hillside. You are my people and I will be forever grateful for your influence and your friendship. |
Beau and Ariona holding "The Little Man." They were both students on the worship team when Fly and I ran the high school worship. They have a desire to use their lives to advance the Kingdom of God. I love them and pray for them. And, I can't fail to mention that they both have amazing hair. Can't wait to see what their kids look like! |
And this is "Home Team." In September of 2011 we got together as a group of people who were going to have dinner once a month in each others homes. Since then we have become a family. In our short time together we have laughed A LOT and shared heartache and struggles. Amber, Aaron, Me, The Fly, Harmony, Ryan, Christy, Justin. I can't imagine life without them. |
These are my beautiful nieces with the Bug. The little one, Love Bug, is strong. She is going to change the world. The bigger one, The Zu Zu Bee, she is compassionate, she is going to care for the hurting. Beautiful girls with so much potential to be love to others. Their mommy and daddy are pictured above. Uncle Mikey and Auntie "Carica." They love our kids like their own. So thankful to call them family and raise our kids together. |
Keely. She was my voice teacher. I found her when I was 17 years old...oh, how I wish it was when I was 7! She helped me find my voice. She led me to my love of musical theater. She told me I could sing and she inspired me. I miss our weekly lessons and therapy sessions:). |
Harmony. My partner in crime. The hardest part of resigning from my position at the church was knowing I would not see her shining face every day. We have grown and learned so much together. She loves God and sings about it. She ushers in His presence in one soulful note. I admire her so much that often I find myself confessing my envy. God has done great things in her and through her. I love getting our hands dirty together. |
These people are so significant in our story. Ron and Viv and their kids have been in our lives more recently. The Fly and Ron are business partners as I mentioned above. Their family has become like family. The Moore's brought me to their church when I was little where I learned about Jesus and how much he loved me. Little did we ever know that one day I would be pastoring their youngest daughter. What a tapestry my story is...threads from my childhood weaving into the present. |
Erin and Nick are pictured above but here they are holding my newest niece, Madeline. I've only been able to hold her a few times but my arms ache to hold her again. I love her. |
This pic was taken at the luncheon after Poppy's funeral. These are my cousins. This pic represents family. Both my mom and dad's sides. All of my family leaves on the East coast. We don't talk often but I miss them all every day. Really. I'm thankful my kids get to see their aunts and uncles and cousins often. And although I don't get to see them as much as I like I hold on to bbq's, bluegrass music, volleyball games, hiding under the stairs, sparklers, 4th of July, crabs, swimming pools and so many memories. I love each of them and those that reared them. |
This is a pic from the time I was a volunteer small group leader. These people represent friends and students that were my community as I began the journey of knowing that God had a plan for my life. |
St. Lucy's. Theater people. High School. What a formative time. The last thing I wanted going into my Freshman year was to go to an all girl school. The day I graduated I was so thankful that I went to this all girl school. I love my St. Lucy family and am thankful for the moments back then and when I run into an old class mate. It's like we just passed each other on the stairs. |
My best friends. I don't know where to start with these girls. Not many people experience a friendship like this one. Tammy, the encourager, Jamie, the wise and steadfast, Robynn, the servant. I can say without cliche that we will really be friends forever. Thankful for friendships that reach into eternity. |
Now, last, but the most important. Those above are my "people." This is my "person." Fly is strong. He loves through his actions. He is generous. He is funny. He knows my best and my worst and loves me for both. He teaches me. He loves our kids. He's not afraid of much and lives his days well. God has done great things through him and so much more is yet to come. "All I wanna do is grow old with you." |
As I look through this exhaustive post all I can do is celebrate. In every season there are "people." In and out they come and go. Some stay longer than others. Each play a role. I want to drink in all that each person has to offer. At the same time I want to pour into them and return the blessing.
Feeling overwhelmed with love. Thank you, God, for people.