Tuesday, August 7, 2012
The Bug's Not-So-Normal, A Little Unusual, Very First Day of Preschool
The Bug woke up early Saturday morning. "I'm going to school on Tuesday!" she shouted with a grin.
The Bug had been excited for days about preschool and Tuesday was even closer today than it was yesterday.
"That's right," her mommy said. "And today, we get to go get a 'First Day of School Outfit!'"
The Bug jumped up and down. She could hardly contain all the excitement. She could even feel it on in her belly! It was like 100 little butterflies took off in flight all at the same time. She couldn't wait to set out on their shopping trip.
Mommy and Daddy, The Bug and the Little Man, her baby brother, loaded into the car and headed for the mall. The Bug looked out the window and imagined what colors she would wear and the new friends she would make in their first day of school outfits.
The whole gang went to a few stores looking for the perfect outfit and finally found the one. Purple was The Bug's favorite color that day so she and her mommy decided that a shirt and skirt with purple leggings would be the best.
As they headed home The Bug held her bag on her lap. She was so proud of her first "First Day of School Outfit" and couldn't wait to put it on and head to school. Thinking about it made those butterflies fly off again.
Monday morning came fast. It was the day before school would start. But that morning, instead of butterflies, The Bug felt something very different in her tummy. It was not a good kind of different. She hurried downstairs to tell her mommy that she did not feel good...at all.
The day went on and The Bug, Mommy and Daddy and even the Little Man hoped and prayed that she would feel better but nothing seemed to help.
That night Mommy told The Bug, "I think we are going to have to have our first day of school on Thursday instead of Tuesday. But don't worry, sweetheart. Mommy will make tomorrow a special day. Just get some rest and try to feel better."
They did the "silly count," (this was a silly part of their bedtime routine,) they sang their song and they prayed for God to heal The Bug's tummy. Then off to sleep she went.
The next morning was Tuesday, the day that should have been the first day of school. The Bug woke and waited a moment before getting out of bed. Her tummy was feeling better! Maybe she could still put on her purple leggings and make it to school! Her daddy brought her downstairs and she told her mommy that she felt better. But Mommy and Daddy decided it was best that she wait a few more days just to make sure.
The Bug was so disappointed but Mommy reminded her that she had a special day planned for them. The Bug ate a little breakfast, not much, since her tummy was all troubles the day before, but just enough to be ready for whatever Mommy had planned.
Mommy said, "Okay. First thing is first. Today you may not get to go your first day of preschool but that doesn't mean we can't have a first day of preschool right here! Let's go upstairs and you can pick out your outfit. You can wear anything you want!"
The Bug ran upstairs. She loved picking out her own outfits. After a few minutes of decision-making she decided on a light blue Cinderella shirt with a hot pink polka dot skirt, two different socks, her light up shoes, and two different bows to accent her pig tails.
Once she was dressed Mommy got out the camera to take The Bug's first "First Day of School" picture. The Bug posed in her outfit ready for the fun to begin.
Mommy told her to gather some of her animals and dolls to be her friends in her class. The Bug gathered as many as she could and set them on the couch.
"Alright," said Mommy. "Let's start with some music!" The Bug, Mommy and the Little Man begin to dance and sing to the music Mommy put on. Some of the animals and doll friends joined in the fun with the help of Mommy and even Little Man.
After the singing Mommy said it was story time. The Bug picked out a story about Jesus' first miracle. The Bug didn't know what a miracle was. Mommy told her and they read the story together.
After story time it was time to color. Mommy asked The Bug, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
The Bug had been asked that question before and she knew the answer right away.
"A Doctor Mommy," she said proudly.
"Great!" said Mommy. "Why don't you draw a picture of what that look's like and Mommy will make it look special when you are done."
The Bug went to work. Using her crayons she drew her very best "Doctor Mommy." Her Mommy typed some words out on the computer and put the drawing through her printer.
"There." Mommy said. "Now we can keep it forever!"
By this time Little Man was getting sleepy. Mommy let the Bug color some more while she went to put him down for a nap. The Bug decided to draw a picture of her little brother. She loved him very much.
When Mommy was done. They went downstairs to make a snack. Mommy called it "Critters on a banana."
After snack time Mommy said they could do an art project with paint! The Bug loved to paint almost as much as she loved to dance.
Before Mommy got out the paint she opened her Bible and read Psalm 139:14 to The Bug.
Mommy helped her begin to learn it as she set up the paint.
Together they made The Bug's hand prints and then Mommy told her that God made her wonderful just the way she is. Mommy asked her if together they could think of 10 wonderful things about her, one for each finger God gave her.
The Bug loved the art project and when they were done Mommy let her paint some more.
Soon it was time to clean up and head downstairs. Little Man woke up from his nap and mommy had one more thing for them to do.
When they got downstairs Mommy turned the music on real loud.
"Dance party!" she shouted.
The Bug was so excited. She loved dance parties. Together The Bug, Mommy and The Little Man danced and laughed and were super silly to the music.
When the dancing stopped The Bug looked at mommy and said, "I'm hungry."
Mommy was so excited to hear The Bug say that since she hadn't been hungry for a while.
"It looks like God is answering our prayers and you are getting better! Should we go and drive through Chick-fil-a?!"
"Yeah!!" The Bug hollered. Chick-fil-a was her favorite.
As they drove down the street The Bug looked out her window.
"Mommy," she said, "I love you."
"I love you too, Bug," Mommy answered.
Even though the morning didn't go the way either of them thought it would they both knew that they wouldn't want it any different. After all, this meant The Bug got two, very first, "First" days of preschool.
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LOVE this!!! Thanks for sharing the pics and the story. The "other" Schraders are very excited for Bug to start preschool and can't wait to hear all about her "second" first day of preschool! <3
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful first day of preschool that she got! I loved the art project of the hand prints and having her come up with reasons that she's wonderfully made.
ReplyDeleteThese are the longest days, the shortest years. Soak it up...;)
ReplyDeleteWarmed my heart through and through... I love you all sooo very very much! Can't wait to hear about the second first day of school but I bet it won't top the first of the first ;)
ReplyDeleteI am so very proud of you my Allison Marie, Your love always shines so bright. The bug and the little man are so very blessed to have you for their Mommy, just as I AM SO VERY BLESSED TO HAVE YOU AS MY DAUGHTER love you always, Mom